Species Account for Sphecodes ferruginatus
Sphecodes ferruginatus von Hagens, 1882
a cuckoo bee
Aculeata: Halictinae
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Taxonomic group: bees and wasps (Aculeata) - County data
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Status: Nb
Essex RDB: Listed
Threat: Essex Threatened
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cleptoparasite on Lasioglossum fulvicorne
Species text
Sphecodes ferruginatus is widespread, with scattered records throughout England Widespread but very scarce and rarely numerous at a site. The reasons for this are not entirely clear as probable hosts are still common in many parts of Britain. Post-1970 records are available for about 10 sites mostly in southern England but also W. Norfolk and N.W. Yorkshire. In Essex there are only records of single specimens from two other localities. Probable hosts include L. fulvicorne, a widespread species predominantly on calcareous soils, L. fratellum, another widespread species and possibly L. laticeps, L. pauxillum and L. rufitarse (Falk, 1991b). There is evidence of an association with chalk grassland and there is likely to be a requirement for bare and sparsely vegetated ground or short turf in sunny situations (such as south-facing slopes and banks) for host nesting. References
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