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Species Account for Tachydromia smithi

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Tachydromia smithi  Chvála, 1966
Diptera: other groups: Hybotidae

Maps produced by MapMate®. Data overlays Copyright © Essex Field Club 2025.
Reproduction for study and non-profit use permitted, all other rights reserved.

Taxonomic group: flies (other) (Diptera: other groups) - County data

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Records: 10
First Record: 2000
Latest Record: 2023

1992-on hectads: 5
Pre-1992 hectads: 0
Total hectads: 5

Additional Phenology Data


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Essex Red Data List comment
Recorded from 2 out of 57x10km.sq. records in county

Species text
This species was first recorded as a single male from the trunk of an aspen tree in Sherwood Forest (Notts.) in 2006 (Gibbs, 2006). The species is known from Central and Western Europe, including France, Belgium and The Netherlands. Gibbs suggests that the species is either very rare and overlooked, an introduction or a recent colonist. Its discovery at Grays Chalk Pit seems to rule out the likelihood of an introduction. D.A. Smith has located another specimen in his collection under T. umbrarum collected by Chris Gibson in 2000 from Warren Farm Quarry (now known as Warren Gorge), a nearby chalk quarry part of the Chafford Hundred complex. The species probably has a metapopulation in the Chafford Hundred area and it seems most likely that the fly is rare, but has been overlooked. The species is not included in Falk & Crossley (2005) but MapMate lists a status of RDBK (Insufficiently Known). The biology of the genus is poorly known, but Gibbs states that T. smithi is one of the tree-associated species, with adults taken from various broad-leaved species, including poplar Populus and ash Fraxinus. Its larval requirements are unknown, but they are likely to be predators in leaf litter or along lake or river margins. References

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Broad Habitat Data (based on 5 records with habitat information)

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Habitat Detail and Method (based on 10 records with habitat detail and method information)

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