Species Account for Thereva bipunctata
Thereva bipunctata Meigen, 1820
Diptera: Larger Brachycera: Therevidae
Reproduction for study and non-profit use permitted, all other rights reserved.
Taxonomic group: soldier flies and allies (Diptera: Larger Brachycera) - County data
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Essex RDB: Listed
Threat: Essex Vulnerable
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Restricted to dune/heath habitat. Recorded from dune-like PFA lagoon habitat at Barking Levels (now destroyed) and Chafford Hundred (area now built on).
Species text
This small stiletto fly is widely distributed on coastal dunes on the east coast. It also occurs inland although this is rather unusual, notable in the Breck district of East Anglia and on some heaths and commons (Stubbs & Drake 2001). In Essex there are very few records including Barking PFA lagoons (now destroyed) and Chafford Hundred (area probably now destroyed). References
Recorded management for locations with Thereva bipunctata
Recorded substrate and hydrology for locations with Thereva bipunctata
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