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Species Account for Paracymus aeneus

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Paracymus aeneus  (Germar, 1824)
Coleoptera: Hydrophilidae

Maps produced by MapMate®. Data overlays Copyright © Essex Field Club 2025.
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Taxonomic group: beetles (Coleoptera) - Available county data

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W&C Act: Schedule 5

Status: EN;Legal Protection;NR

Essex RDB: Listed
Records: 23
First Record: 1898
Latest Record: 2023

1992-on hectads: 3
Pre-1992 hectads: 5
Total hectads: 6

Additional Phenology Data


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Essex Red Data List comment
Essex Post-1969 record/s; VC18 pre-1970 record/s; VC19 1970-on record/s. Schedule 5, national BAP species of conservation concern, Specialist Lagoon species (JNCC 1996)

Species text
Paracymus aeneus is a small brown water beetle with reddish legs confined to 2 ten km grid squares in England, in Essex and the Isle of Wight, having only ever been known from a total of six (Anon 1999). The Red Data Book (Shirt 1987) states that a survey of Essex sites by A. C. Warne failed to reveal this distinctive species, the only known site now being the mud flats at Bembridge (Isle of Wight) neighbouring a rubbish tip. However it was rediscovered in 1991 at a site in the Essex saltmarshes, where it had not been seen since 1931 (Recorder species account, Anon 1999).The beetle is a UKBAP species and the Action Plan states that it lives in saline pools above the high-water mark, usually in association with vegetation at the edge of ponds. Action Plan objectives and actions are to ensure that viable populations are maintained within the currently occupied saltmarsh systems by protecting existing populations from damaging activities, and by creating additional habitat through the creation of shallow ponds around the high water mark. Additional survey work needs to be undertaken to determine the status of the species and research should be conducted into the ecological requirements of the species. Peter Hammond writes (pers. comm.) that Paracymus aeneus is very much an 'Essex beetle' having been first found in Britain at 'St Osyth' in 1898. Since then it has been found at five further coastal localities in Essex and on the Isle of Wight. The British distribution of the species is mapped by Foster (1987), and a further review of its status is provided by Foster (2000). In the latter review (report to JNCC) Foster notes that there are recent records for only 2 British sites, one in South Essex and one on the Isle of Wight. References

Species text last edited on Tue Mar 20th 2007 by user 3


Broad Habitat Data (based on 1 records with habitat information)

no subhabitat data available

Structural Habitat Data (based on 1 records with structural habitat information)

Habitat Detail and Method (based on 23 records with habitat detail and method information)

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