Species Account for Pieris napi
Pieris napi (Linnaeus, 1758)
Green-veined White
Lepidoptera: butterflies: Pieridae
Reproduction for study and non-profit use permitted, all other rights reserved.
Taxonomic group: butterflies (Lepidoptera: butterflies) - County data
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Green-veined White on UK Butterflies website
Species text
The Green-veined White favours slightly damper grassland and woodland habitat than the Small White. However, it can also share drier habitat with the Small White, such as sea walls and waste ground. Larval foodplants are those associated with damper ground and woodland edges such as Cuckooflower and Garlic Mustard (as with the Orange-tip) but the crucifer spp. are also used, as with the Small White. The spring brood displays fainter upperside markings but darker underside (veins) that the summer brood. Hibernates in the pupal state. The flight periods of 2 or sometimes 3 broods can be out of phase with the Small White which is an aid to identification when monitoring large numbers of mobile 'whites'. References
Recorded management for locations with Pieris napi
Recorded substrate and hydrology for locations with Pieris napi
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