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EFC Centre at Wat Tyler Country ParkOur centre is available for visits on a pre-booked basis on Wednesdays between 10am - 4pm. The Club’s activities and displays are also usually open to the public on the first Saturday of the month 11am - 4pm.

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Tawny Owl Record

Tawny Owl 2 Copyright: Ralph Hancock
Please enter your record below for Tawny Owl Strix aluco. For help using this form please see notes at the bottom of this page and Tawny Owl Survey.

Record for:
Tawny Owl

*lastname, firstname

Email address:

*dd/mm/yyyy.  Time (hour: minute) 24 hour clock

Location name:

Essex assumed if not entered

Map Grid Ref:
or Postcode*:  

Number hooting:
*must be a number, '0' equals present but uncounted


 Dead or injured     Seen in daylight     Heard in daylight  

 Cats in area

Other species:
Fallow deer
Red deer
There are deer, but I am unsure of the species
No known deer in the area
There are Barn Owls in the area
Little Owls are frequent in the area
Kestrels are frequent in the area
Sparrowhawks are frequent in the area

We do not recommend looking for Tawny Owl nests, especially during the months of January until July. If you do happen to find a nest, please choose from the following
Nesting records:

any additional information of interest


View My Tawny Owl Records you can only see and edit your records if you are a registered logged-on user

Also see more surveys..

Notes and guidance on submitting records:

Fields marked * are required.  You can give either a Ordnance Survey Map Reference (6 figure 100m square accuracy is preferred) or a full Postcode with space between first and second part).