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EFC Centre at Wat Tyler Country ParkOur centre is available for visits on a pre-booked basis on Wednesdays between 10am - 4pm. The Club’s activities and displays are also usually open to the public on the first Saturday of the month 11am - 4pm.

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UKBAP Essex species and habitats

This page tabulates those UKBAP species recorded in Essex with their main associated UKBAP habitats.

CommonNameFamilySpeciesAssociated UKBAP habitats
amphibians and reptilesAnguidae Anguis fragilisArable Field Margins
Coastal and Floodplain Grazing Marsh
Lowland Calcareous Grassland
Lowland Dry Acid Grassland
Lowland Heathland
Lowland Meadows
Lowland Mixed Deciduous Woodland
Open Mosaic Habitats on Previously Developed Land

amphibians and reptilesBufonidae Bufo bufoAquifer Fed Naturally Fluctuating Water Bodies
Eutrophic Standing Waters
Lowland Meadows
Lowland Mixed Deciduous Woodland
Oligotrophic and Dystrophic Lakes
Traditional Orchards
Wet Woodland
amphibians and reptilesSalamandridae Triturus cristatusAquifer Fed Naturally Fluctuating Water Bodies
Arable Field Margins
Coastal and Floodplain Grazing Marsh
Eutrophic Standing Waters
Lowland Mixed Deciduous Woodland
Oligotrophic and Dystrophic Lakes
Open Mosaic Habitats on Pr
amphibians and reptilesViperidae Vipera berusArable Field Margins
Coastal and Floodplain Grazing Marsh
Coastal Sand Dunes
Coastal Vegetated Shingle
Lowland Calcareous Grassland
Lowland Dry Acid Grassland
Lowland Heathland
Lowland Meadows
Lowland Mixed Deciduous W
antsFormicidae Formicoxenus nitidulusLowland Mixed Deciduous Woodland

bees and waspsAnthophorinae Anthophora retusaCoastal and Floodplain Grazing Marsh
Lowland Meadows

bees and waspsAnthophorinae Eucera longicornisCoastal and Floodplain Grazing Marsh
Lowland Meadows

bees and waspsColletinae Colletes halophilusOpen Mosaic Habitats on Previously Developed Land
Coastal saltmarsh

bees and waspsCrabronidae Cerceris quadricinctaLowland Dry Acid Grassland
Open Mosaic Habitats on Previously Developed Land

bees and waspsCrabronidae Cerceris quinquefasciataLowland Dry Acid Grassland
Open Mosaic Habitats on Previously Developed Land

bees and waspsEumenidae Odynerus melanocephalusCoastal and Floodplain Grazing Marsh
Open Mosaic Habitats on Previously Developed Land

bees and waspsEumenidae Odynerus simillimusCoastal and Floodplain Grazing Marsh

butterfliesHesperiidae Erynnis tages 
butterfliesHesperiidae Pyrgus malvae 
butterfliesLycaenidae Cupido minimus 
butterfliesLycaenidae Satyrium w-album 
butterfliesLycaenidae Thecla betulae 
butterfliesNymphalidae Boloria euphrosyne 
butterfliesNymphalidae Limenitis camilla 
butterfliesPieridae Leptidea sinapis 
butterfliesSatyridae Coenonympha pamphilus 
butterfliesSatyridae Hipparchia semele 
butterfliesSatyridae Lasiommata megera 
flies (other)Dolichopodidae Campsicnemus magiusCoastal and Floodplain Grazing Marsh

flies (other)Drosophilidae Phortica variegata 
flies (other)Limoniidae Lipsothrix nervosaLowland Mixed Deciduous Woodland
Wet Woodland

flies (other)Ulidiidae Dorycera graminumLowland Meadows
Open Mosaic Habitats on Previously Developed Land

grasshoppers, crickets and alliesGryllidae Gryllus campestrisOpen Mosaic Habitats on Previously Developed Land

grasshoppers, crickets and alliesGryllotalpidae Gryllotalpa gryllotalpaCoastal and Floodplain Grazing Marsh
Lowland Fens

honey bee and bumblebeesApinae Bombus humilisCoastal and Floodplain Grazing Marsh
Lowland Meadows
Open Mosaic Habitats on Previously Developed Land

honey bee and bumblebeesApinae Bombus muscorumCoastal and Floodplain Grazing Marsh

honey bee and bumblebeesApinae Bombus ruderariusCoastal and Floodplain Grazing Marsh
Lowland Meadows
Open Mosaic Habitats on Previously Developed Land

honey bee and bumblebeesApinae Bombus ruderatusCoastal and Floodplain Grazing Marsh
Open Mosaic Habitats on Previously Developed Land

honey bee and bumblebeesApinae Bombus sylvarumCoastal and Floodplain Grazing Marsh
Lowland Meadows
Open Mosaic Habitats on Previously Developed Land

hoverfliesSyrphidae Callicera spinolae 
hoverfliesSyrphidae Doros profuges 
larger mothsCossidae Cossus cossus 
larger mothsDrepanidae Watsonalla binaria 
larger mothsErebidae Arctia caja 
larger mothsErebidae Catocala promissa 
larger mothsErebidae Catocala sponsa 
larger mothsErebidae Coscinia cribraria 
larger mothsErebidae Paracolax tristalis 
larger mothsErebidae Pechipogo strigilata 
larger mothsErebidae Spilosoma lubricipeda 
larger mothsErebidae Trisateles emortualis 
larger mothsErebidae Tyria jacobaeae 
larger mothsGeometridae Aleucis distinctata 
larger mothsGeometridae Aplasta ononaria 
larger mothsGeometridae Chesias legatella 
larger mothsGeometridae Chesias rufata 
larger mothsGeometridae Chiasmia clathrata 
larger mothsGeometridae Cyclophora porata 
larger mothsGeometridae Ecliptopera silaceata 
larger mothsGeometridae Ennomos erosaria 
larger mothsGeometridae Ennomos fuscantaria 
larger mothsGeometridae Ennomos quercinaria 
larger mothsGeometridae Epirrhoe galiata 
larger mothsGeometridae Eulithis mellinata 
larger mothsGeometridae Hemistola chrysoprasaria 
larger mothsGeometridae Idaea dilutaria 
larger mothsGeometridae Idaea ochrata 
larger mothsGeometridae Lithostege griseata 
larger mothsGeometridae Lycia hirtaria 
larger mothsGeometridae Macaria carbonaria 
larger mothsGeometridae Macaria wauaria 
larger mothsGeometridae Melanthia procellata 
larger mothsGeometridae Orthonama vittata 
larger mothsGeometridae Pelurga comitata 
larger mothsGeometridae Perizoma albulata 
larger mothsGeometridae Scopula marginepunctata 
larger mothsGeometridae Scotopteryx bipunctaria 
larger mothsGeometridae Scotopteryx chenopodiata 
larger mothsGeometridae Thalera fimbrialis 
larger mothsGeometridae Timandra comae 
larger mothsGeometridae Trichopteryx polycommata 
larger mothsGeometridae Xanthorhoe ferrugata 
larger mothsHepialidae Hepialus humuli 
larger mothsLasiocampidae Malacosoma neustria 
larger mothsLasiocampidae Trichiura crataegi 
larger mothsNoctuidae Acronicta psi 
larger mothsNoctuidae Acronicta rumicis 
larger mothsNoctuidae Agrochola litura 
larger mothsNoctuidae Agrochola lychnidis 
larger mothsNoctuidae Allophyes oxyacanthae 
larger mothsNoctuidae Amphipoea oculea 
larger mothsNoctuidae Amphipyra tragopoginis 
larger mothsNoctuidae Apamea anceps 
larger mothsNoctuidae Apamea remissa 
larger mothsNoctuidae Aporophyla lutulenta 
larger mothsNoctuidae Asteroscopus sphinx 
larger mothsNoctuidae Atethmia centrago 
larger mothsNoctuidae Brachylomia viminalis 
larger mothsNoctuidae Caradrina morpheus 
larger mothsNoctuidae Cosmia diffinis 
larger mothsNoctuidae Diarsia rubi 
larger mothsNoctuidae Diloba caeruleocephala 
larger mothsNoctuidae Eugnorisma glareosa 
larger mothsNoctuidae Euxoa nigricans 
larger mothsNoctuidae Euxoa tritici 
larger mothsNoctuidae Graphiphora augur 
larger mothsNoctuidae Hadena albimacula 
larger mothsNoctuidae Hoplodrina blanda 
larger mothsNoctuidae Hydraecia micacea 
larger mothsNoctuidae Luperina nickerlii 
larger mothsNoctuidae Melanchra persicariae 
larger mothsNoctuidae Noctua orbona 
larger mothsNoctuidae Orthosia gracilis 
larger mothsNoctuidae Polia bombycina 
larger mothsNoctuidae Rhizedra lutosa 
larger mothsNoctuidae Tholera cespitis 
larger mothsNoctuidae Tholera decimalis 
larger mothsNoctuidae Tyta luctuosa 
larger mothsNoctuidae Xestia agathina 
larger mothsNoctuidae Xestia castanea 
larger mothsNoctuidae Xylena exsoleta 
larger mothsSesiidae Pyropteron chrysidiformis 
leafhoppers and alliesCicadellidae Chlorita viridulaCoastal saltmarsh

leafhoppers and alliesCicadellidae Doratura impudicaCoastal Sand Dunes

leafhoppers and alliesDelphacidae Ribautodelphax imitansLowland Calcareous Grassland
Open Mosaic Habitats on Previously Developed Land

micro-mothsAdelidae Nemophora fasciella 
micro-mothsCrambidae Agrotera nemoralis 
micro-mothsPyralidae Sciota hostilis 
micro-mothsTortricidae Grapholita pallifrontana 
soldier flies and alliesAsilidae Asilus crabroniformisCoastal and Floodplain Grazing Marsh
Lowland Meadows

spidersGnaphosidae Haplodrassus dalmatensisCoastal Sand Dunes

spidersLinyphiidae Centromerus serratusLowland Dry Acid Grassland
Lowland Meadows
Lowland Mixed Deciduous Woodland
Open Mosaic Habitats on Previously Developed Land

spidersLinyphiidae Midia midasLowland Mixed Deciduous Woodland
Wood-Pasture & Parkland

spidersLinyphiidae Saaristoa firmaLowland Dry Acid Grassland
Lowland Raised Bog
Open Mosaic Habitats on Previously Developed Land
Wet Woodland

spidersLycosidae Arctosa fulvolineataCoastal saltmarsh

spidersPhilodromidae Philodromus margaritatusLowland Beech and Yew Woodland
Lowland Mixed Deciduous Woodland
Traditional Orchards
Wood-Pasture & Parkland

spidersSalticidae Pseudeuophrys obsoletaCoastal Vegetated Shingle

spidersTheridiidae Phycosoma inornatumLowland Dry Acid Grassland
Lowland Heathland
Open Mosaic Habitats on Previously Developed Land