Yes, indeed, we have fungi coming up in all sorts of places. In our garden we have The Deceiver Laccaria laccata, Pale Brittlestem Psathyrella candolleana, Fiery Milkcap Lactarius pyrogalus, Orange Bonnet Mycena acicula and the shiny Silky Pinkgill Entoloma sericeum.
In Purfleet there were lots of Suede Bolete Boletus subtomentosus, with a few Grey Puffball Bovista plumbea and some Agaricus species that I failed to identify with certainty but looked like the familiar Horse Mushroom Agaricus arvensis.
In Weald Park with two of our grandchildren we found lots of things, including a number of Plums-and-Custard Tricholomopsis rutilans and huge numbers of old and fresh Birch Polypore Piptoporus betulinus and even huger numbers of Honey Fungus armillaria sp.
And all these before the 1st September!
Maybe this year we will have a good variety all through a long season, which is easier to handle than a huge rush all at once.