have tried adding pictures without any problem this morning, using both Mozilla and Internet Explorer, so at the moment I can only think the problem is something to do with internet connections in the north-east Essex area or problems with a specific Internet Service Provider. Please let me know if you continue to get problems and we will have to try and figure out what is happening.
Peter, your Araniella photo is certainly A. cucurbitina in its old wider sense, but there are in fact two species, A. cucurbitina sensu stricto and A. opisthographa (and even a third just possible A. inconspicua) all of which are variable in colour from green, green with white to yellow, and the ONLY way of definitively identifying to species is by examination of the adult genitalia under a low power microscope. Even then some specimens can be difficult.
Your other spider presents the same problem! It is a comb-footed spider Enoplognatha ovata in the old widest sense, but this is also actually 2 species in this country (4 in Europe), E. ovata sens. str. and E. latimana, which can only be distinguished by examination of adults under a low power microscope. Both species occur in the same colour forms, although in different frequencies. E. latimana is a spider of open sunny habitats and is frequent in Essex, especially near the coast, and E. ovata sens. str. also occurs in open habitats but also occurs in shady places, including woodlands etc.