Many years ago during one bird breeding season, I was conscripted to do a Little Tern
watch along those outer reaches of the Naze and the Hide was my base when this structure
was in its final resting place overlooking the marshland. It was rather a boring six hour stint -
didn't even see one of those so named! Not a soul approached which would have allowed me
to use my authority, perhaps at the very least to gain some satisfaction in being able to shoo
someone off, which I hasten to add, I would have done most courteously of course! However,
the weather was kind and I strolled about with my eyes down in the manner I would have looked
for fossils below the Naze cliffs, doing this in the hope of spotting something to brighten my day.
Gravelly patches are always worth inspection along this coastline - the chance of finding some
ancient artifact for which the place is renowned. Thus I came upon one area, quite close to the
Hide in fact, where in my search I was to be rewarded with several worked flints of Neolithic age.
Amongst these, to my delight, there was a finely fashioned arrowhead, and in addition and to add
to my excitement, to discover one further exceptional example of prehistoric man's patient
handiwork, a four inch long axe or celt.
Certainly, that day turned out to become one more pleasant memory of that special seaside-place. I suppose I have in part to thank the living birds for drawing me to this particular spot, most times my many visits to the Naze were to be in search of their ancient forebears and for sure I was royally rewarded in that respect.
When one is a custodian of a scientifically important collection, it becomes an unwritten requirement of the owner to make the material available for examination by those who can claim to be seriously interested. In my case, being in possession of a considerable range of fossils and some minerals, not only from the Naze, or elsewhere in Essex, but from wider localities around this country, these are then available for inspection. Thus if anyone wishes to visit us in Holland-on-Sea, then we would naturally need to know in advance to agree the arrangement, this by simply phoning 01255 814172.